Thursday, January 22, 2009

Give Blood

Today is Griffin's 6th birthday and I've made it an annual event to ask for your blood.

Griffin was born 9 weeks premature on January 22, 2003. He had two lifesaving transfusions. Before any transfusion took place someone did something amazing, they donated a little time and a little of themselves. Please do the same. You can find a local donation site by calling 1-800-GIVE-LIFE or visiting

We've come a long way from day one, because someone knew how important it was to give blood.

Yes, we let him get a faux hawk. It was an acceptable compromise from the mohawk, with the sides of his head painted red, he really wanted.


Heather Leigh said...

My appointment is on 2/5 at 1pm. I give regularly...about 4-5 times a year. It makes it easy when work hosts blood drives. Sure, I'll go get blood extracted from my body for an hour rather than suffer through yet another meeting!

xxxxx said...

What a cool cat! Love that faux hawk! Thanks for the reminder about the importance of giving...