Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Doomsday Approaches

I have a surgery date. December 28th I will be in surgery around 9:30 am.

Honestly, this whole thing has been to a certain extent surreal. I know the Achilles tendon is hosed. I know the cast didn't work. I know the CAM walker didn't work. But for some reason I have felt like the surgery is just ridiculous. I can walk on it when I'm not wearing anything, so why won't I just continue with life and wait for the bugger to snap. Well, I know why not. You don't know what will make it happen: walking up the stairs, getting the mail, pushing a grocery cart. Who knows? This thing can blow at anytime. And repairing a partially torn Achilles tendon is much easier than fixing a completely separately one. With all that knowledge I still have felt like I'm being a big weirdo about the whole thing and I should just live with it until what happened today. I do believe in fate and destiny. Here's one example.

For Thanksgiving we went to Fort Wayne. Halfway down I turned off my phone to save the battery. I had given the surgery scheduler, Liz, both the home phone number and my cell number on Tuesday. Liz said she's get back to me on Wednesday to Friday. O.k. so my phone is off all day from around 12:30 pm on Wednesday, but on Thursday night I call my parents to wish them a Happy Thanksgiving like every good daughter should. After our call I turn the phone off. Then Angela, Andy’s new girlfriend decides to make real whipped cream. Mary starts to go nuts about it and I just have to call my mom to tell her the buck had been passed to the next generation—see footnote 1. I made the call, but forgot to turn off the phone. There is sat all night running out of juice. At around 10:30 am on Friday I was in the spare bedroom, getting the boys dressed when the phone rang. It was Liz. It was meant to be. The phone could have been off. I could have been anywhere else and not heard it. She could have only called the home phone. The church of Quinky-Dink rejoices!

I now have to figure out how I’m going to manage the boys on crutches.

1 Since Joe and I got married Mary has had a conniption fit every time I try to cook anything. “You don’t need to do that. Please don’t bother yourself. Honestly, anything to fill the gut. You don’t need to hassle.” It’s really frustrating, because I really love to cook and Joe does not believe Mary’s motto, “Anything to full the gut.” He expects beautiful freshly prepared meals every meal. I also love it when they’re around; I can do cook without the kids at me constantly, because Jerry keeps them so entertained. So Mary if you’re reading this, please understand just because you don’t like doing something it doesn’t mean everyone hates doing something. I really enjoy cooking and I find it relaxing and fulfilling both gastronomically and mentally. Preparing a meal for family and friends is a special treat. Though, I must admit it was fun to see Angela struggle with Mary a bit. I knew it wasn’t just me.

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